Comments (5)

Zvezdan Velikonja


Very romantic place, you can stroll through the gardens at night, before *****, to create a climate, or in the end, while you're enjoying the after ***** mood.

It is very socially acceptable ***** here, because everyone does it.

Surrounded by nature.


The road by car is through the mountain, and at night visibility through that road is not very good.

A lot of people know about this site, so there will certainly be more people there *****, but not open to adventures with more people.

Only ***** at night, because during the day there are a lot of people.

Isto é onde mesmo??
Outro excelente local. Abençoado.Hehehehe!!!
o parque do leite
Pinódromo. Bom local para uma foda segura. Grande ajuntamento de cobridores. A GNR fica perto e se chamerem em 10min estão lá, testado por mim.

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